Judith & Jim
Mastery Level Coaching, Books and Programs to Help You Grow

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We are passionate champions for your freedom to live a truly free and fabulous life in any way you desire.

Books by Judith Sherven, PhD & Jim Sniechowski, PhD


Second Life: Because the First One is Not Yet Finished

In Second Life: Because the First One is Not Yet Finished, Sniechowski enters into the world of reincarnation and romance telling the story of a love relationship that extends across five hundred years. Emile Chevet (a Benedictine priest) and Justine Foirere, (a beautiful peasant girl) have fallen deeply in love during the Catholic Church’s 1505 Inquisition. They are found out, accused of heresy, and are taken into custody by the merciless Jean Baptiste Dorembie, Archbishop and Inquisitor of Avignon. Because their love was cut short, they reincarnate in the year 2005 and determine to explore the promise they made centuries ago.

When they reincarnate and meet again in 2005 in upstate New York, Jessica Fortin (Justne) arrives in the Emergency Room after a car accident and is treated by Dr. Erik Albright (Emile). Realizing something deeply meaningful is happening between them, they engage in professional hypnosis to explore their previous life together all the while falling more and more in love in current time.

Available in Kindle, Hardcover and Paperback

“Second Life by James Sniechowski follows two intertwined couples, one from 1505 and the other from 2005. Emile Chevet, a priest, and Justine Foirere are imprisoned and tortured during the 1505 Papal Inquisition for heresy and fornication. In 2005 New York, Jessica Fortin gets into a car accident due to black ice, landing her in the emergency room where she meets doctor Erik Albright. The two feel an instant connection, and, as they explore their experiences, they discover a connection to Emile and Justine spanning multiple reincarnations.

With this newfound knowledge, they navigate the complex web of past and present to break the cycle of reincarnation and confront the dark forces that have haunted them for so long. Second Life is a captivating story with a fascinating premise. Its fast-paced narration and well-developed characters create tension and mystery, while unpredictable plot twists keep the reader engaged. The dual storyline is executed perfectly, weaving together the lives of two couples separated by centuries yet bound together by a mysterious connection.

The contrast between the 16th-century persecution and the modern-day developments sets the stage for a thrilling exploration of reincarnation and redemption. The intersection of Emile’s and Justine’s tragic fates with Jessica and Erik’s budding relationship raises questions about the nature of love, trauma, and the human soul. The book explores themes of injustice, love, morality, self-discovery, reincarnation, déjà vu, and time and soul travel. Second Life is thought-provoking, suspenseful, and a great read for anyone who loves character-driven and emotionally engaging stories.”

Doreen Chombu
Readers’ Favorite

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Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous: 33 Keys to Creating Your New Life by Leaving Your Old Stories Behind

Whether you struggle with the Imposter Syndrome, negative head talk, stress and anxiety, or any other self-defeating emotions, beliefs, and/or behaviors that deprive you of a fuller. livelier, more fabulous life, this book will help you turn your life around!

Providing 33 practical everyday Keys to leaving old habits behind, this book promises that you can indeed create a fuller, more successful life! Whether it’s learning how to accept praise and compliments without embarrassment or discomfort, or seeing how you deprive yourself whenever you fail to ask for a promotion, being nice versus being honest; and even overcoming The Impostor Syndrome, these 33 Keys to Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous will put you on the road to a new, more expansive life!

Non-fiction WINNER in the 2023 San Francisco Book Festival
Available in Audio, Kindle, Hardcover and Paperback


What Really Killed Whitney Houston

How Unconscious Loyalty Destroyed One Of The Greatest Talents Of All Time – And Why It Could Be Happening To You

Whitney Houston’s powerful voice made her one of the greatest musical geniuses of our generation. Yet even while she attained a level of triumphant success that surpassed all other musical stars, she descended into the pits of an internal hell that finally took her life. Beginning with early childhood and tracing her life and career, we examine her life and death through the lens of her unconscious loyalties and explain how these loyalties deprived her of being able to embrace and live inside her huge success.

Available in Audiobook, Kindle, and Paperback


Worship of Hollow Gods (Leaving Home Trilogy Book 1)


By James Sniechowski

In Worship of Hollow Gods James Sniechowski bears witness to the world of a sensitive, nine-year-old boy, subjected to the underbelly of his Polish Catholic family in working class Detroit. The year is 1950. The family gathers for a Friday night family poker/pinochle party. The outcome reveals a world no one ever talked about then and are forbidden to talk about now—the unspoken, the impermissible, the reality beneath every family’s practiced facade—and what lies beneath when the front has been ripped away. Sniechowski unsparingly yet compassionately evokes the temptations, trials, and tactics of the family characters while revealing the hollow gods they naively but fatefully worshipped. Readers, no matter where in the world, will be prompted if not pushed to confront the hollow gods that reside, like living ghosts, in the unseen of their family’s way of life, the invisible that sources and shapes their beliefs and behaviors. Worship of Hollow Gods dredges up familial bonds that grip and hold tight, unconsciously dictating our destiny. It is story telling at its caring and compelling best.

Available in Audiobook, Kindle, and Paperback


An Ambition to Belong (Leaving Home Trilogy Book 2 )


By James Sniechowski

An Ambition to Belong, second book of the Leaving Home Trilogy, is an astute and insightful psychological journey into the inner life of Jim, an adolescent who is trying to forge his own identity. Trapped in two different worlds, he belongs nowhere: at one end his Polish immigrant inner-city Catholic family and its Eastern European peasant beliefs and terrors; and at the other a late-1950s upper-class suburban Jesuit college-prep high school in suburban Detroit where he is totally unprepared to deal with that world of money and arrogance he finds there. At home, raw gut emotion; at school emotionless intellect. At home he is a member of The Royal Lancers, a street gang where his life is threatened by Donny, a psychotically deranged fellow gang member; at school, because of his dress, especially his Ford Motor Company issue black work shoes, he is perceived as a non-entity, a non-being who has little or no existence. Confronted with racism and a savage incident of anti-Semitism, Jim rises to find the strength that forms the first layer of his conscience and his conscious sense of self.

Available in Audiobook, Kindle, and Paperback


When Angels Die (Leaving Home Trilogy Book 3)


By James Sniechowski

All that in When Angels Die, third book in James Sniechowski’s Leaving Home Trilogy. His lead character, Jim, finds himself going from a prestigious New York City acting school to early success in a regional theater in St Louis. With each new role, and rave reviews from professional theater reviewers, the remnants of his Polish peasant Catholic upbringing threaten to unravel his career and his soul.

A deeply personal rivalry ensues—one part pulling him toward the world of success and a life of deeply satisfying self-expression and the other demanding abject submission to a culture that views the world as treacherous, seductive, and sinful.

Meanwhile, Jim is blessed by the grace and wisdom of the older Southern-born woman who is all too pleased to have young Jim as her tenant. At the same time, he discovers real love for the first time with a young, intelligent woman who accepts him for all that he is. And it is through the challenges evoked by love from these two women that Jim discovers the depth of his true identity and eventual release from his early roots. When Angels Die, with its philosophic and poetic overtones, is storytelling at its very best.

Available in Audiobook, Kindle, and Paperback


Living Your Love Every Day: Magical Moments

Whether you are married or dating, there’s so much more for you to enjoy . . . Truly! In “Living Your Love Every Day’ we share with you short stories from our marriage to highlight what it means to keep romance alive and make love out of bed! We share the kinds of little and larger moments that fuel the pleasure of daily romance and real life love – so you can be inspired to create this kind of daily romance in your own life!

You see, when we knew we were a serious couple, we made an agreement, a solemn oath, to make sure we found the personal and spiritual lessons, the hidden blessings . . . in our differences . . .and of course what that really meant was in any conflict that we would inevitably get into. That’s how we discovered the magic in our differences . . . Just like they exist in your differences . . . Oh, Yes they do! You see, when we had to resolve our conflicts so both of us benefitted . . . Cause that’s what it means when you love someone.



The New Intimacy:


Discovering the Magic at the Heart of Your Differences

When people involved in intimate relationships shed the masks of romantic love and see their partner for who he or she really is, they often feel like running. “We have nothing in common,” “This will never work.” In truth, differences are a treasure chest of pleasure and wonder, discovery and growth, passion and spiritual fulfillment. We provide the roadmap to sincere love and real romance when you can recognize and value the differences. When you do, you will be set free for an intimacy far richer than anything you have ever imagined.




25 Power Speaking Tips That Will Leave Your Audiences Wanting More!

25 easy-to-practice tips for public speaking that will easily boost your self-confidence AND your effectiveness in connecting with your audience. Written by professional speakers and former actors, Judith & Jim (Judith Sherven, PhD and Jim Sniechowski, PhD) share with you the cornerstone elements of their personal success as speakers.

This short, easy-to-read book 25 POWER SPEAKING TIPS Which Will Leave Your Audiences Wanting More! is a refreshing “how-to” collection of essentials that cuts to the chase and gives you the gold immediately.




The Heart of Marketing:

Love Your Customers and They Will Love You Back

This book is about marketing. But more important, this is a book about you, the soft sell marketer—your desire, as a service provider or care-giver, to market and sell your products and services online or off without compromising your personal or professional values. In short, it’s about putting your heart into marketing. Demonstrating how Selling Is Spiritual Service, healing the split soft sell marketers often feel between spirituality and sales, we open and inspire your soft sell imagination.




Be Loved for Who You Really Are:


How the Differences Between Men and Women Can Be Turned into the Source of the Very Best Romance You’ll Ever Know

Based on our decades as relationship trainers working with over 100,000 singles and couples and our own marriage since 1988, we provide a new approach to understanding and embracing the four passages that love requires in any intimate relationship. In this book we show how letting love lead is essential to embracing the love-work that deep intimacy demands, enhancing instead of destroying a relationship. Readers learn to recognize, understand, and value what is required within each of the four passages, keeping love, passion, and real romance alive for a lifetime.



The Smart Couple’s Guide to the Wedding of Your Dreams


Planning Together for Less Stress and More Joy

Each year, millions of couples get married, and millions of relationships are undermined by power struggles, fights, and stress before the big event arrives. Traditional wedding demands leave most couples too exhausted to experience the joy of their own event. Now savvy brides and grooms can find support to explore their wedding desires and be firm in their decisions, as we walk them through practical steps to making their wedding their own. With 150 real life wedding stories, we help couples capture the meaning and joy of the occasion together.

“At the recent Executive Intensive we were all so grateful to have had the experience of your exceptional wisdom, knowledge, care, & compassion. I came away feeling strangely liberated from past beliefs that I wasn’t even aware of. It is wonderfully liberating in building the next leg of my professional journey. I look forward to pushing the door open even further, thanks to your one-of-a-kind point of view about unconscious allegiances.

Clare Flynn Levy
Managing Director of FlexPaths and Former President of Beauchamp Financial Technology Ltd.

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