Judith & Jim
Mastery Level Coaching, Books and Programs to Help You Grow

Yes indeed!

Whitney Houston was such a mega-star that Miramax created a documentary that just hit the movie theaters. But it won’t explain her deep seated “allegiances” and “forbiddances” much less the “love grip” that possessed her.

You can only get that from our deeply researched and compassionately written book:

“What Really Killed Whitney Houston”

Check it out as a great summer read by going to


OR – you can click on the book cover on the Books page.

Fascinating and thought-provoking!

And you may find yourself identifying with some of Whitney’s insecurities, her inability to own the stardom she so rightly deserved.

I’m looking forward to your comments after you’ve read it! And it’s not a long book, rather it’s an easy read that will capture your attention.

Watch a FREE 3 minute video & find out why YOU ARE A MIRACLE. It’s a special celebration of YOU!