What Does It Mean To Be “Happy”?
Seems like a lot of people toss the word “happy” around as if it were an obvious thing. But it’s not. In fact, as a recent coaching client observed, it’s a rather “thin” concept—neither challenging nor robust. More like cotton candy that melts in your mouth and...
What Does It Take To Fit In At Work?
Feeling like you fit in at work can often present some challenging issues. And they can arise at any time—whether you’re just starting at a new place, have been moved to a new team, or recently received a promotion. While each one of those provides rich opportunities,...
Did You Learn To Play Yourself Down?
Over the years of executive coaching with my wife Judith Sherven, PhD we’ve been struck by the many ways people have learned to play down their authority, their accomplishments, their ambitions. And these mechanisms are so unconscious that when we point them out, the...
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